Wine Supply Guys Co.™ was created by Robbie Douglas and his team as an agile, wine export agency helping key vineyards, spirits, craft breweries and non-alcoholic beverage providers improve their export and shipping capabilities to key off shore markets, all whilst being based right here in New Zealand.

With an Antipodean approach of being nimble and thinking outside the square, Wine Supply Guys Co.™ provides innovative consulting and supply chain solutions specifically catered to the client’s requirements and helping them maximise their potential in off-shore markets.

From point of pick up, accessing better shipping routes, to accessing market leading FMCG distributors globally, Wine Supply Guys Co.™ guide every step of the way.

Our services include buying, selling, distribution, freight-forwarding and legal consultation of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage products from key growth suppliers based in New Zealand and have an appetite to grow their businesses by accessing off-shore markets with ease.

Wine Supply Guys Co. works with importers and distributors based in the USA, U.K., Europe and throughout Asia-Pacific ensuring point-to-point supply channel solutions that benefit suppliers and distributors alike.

With a strong emphasis on Strategic Brand Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics Management, Financial Risk Management, plus ongoing market support our team have the experience and results that count.

Wine Supply Guys Co.™ believe in doing things better for the betterment of all, in a sustainable, ethical and economically sound way.

To request a full portfolio of product we represent, email us: